Sunday, January 30, 2011

Garden Clean Up

We have taken advantage of a few beautiful days to clean up the gardens. While doing so,  we noticed new sprigs of mint popping up and the tips of our tulips and jonquils pushing through the soil !  Next week we are going to tackle a major reorganization of the greenhouse.  Big job, but big fun !


lichuckik said...

Are the tulips popping up any higher? How is the greenhouse coming along? Nice blog! I love the "GROW" photo with the flowers and carrots!!!

Garden to Kitchen School Program said...

They are about 2 inches tall. Still just leaves at this point. All beds are going to be moved next week to make room for 4 new beds! That means all existing bulbs we have will
Have to be transplanted. We hope they will transplant OK at the stage they are in.