Health, Wellness and Environmental Studies Magnet School is located in Jonesboro, Arkansas. The school serves 580 students in grades 1st- 6th. We are unique in the fact that we have fully equipped student kitchen, three outdoor classrooms featuring an outdoor kitchen, vegetable garden, sensory garden and "critter" courtyard. Our journey began 4 years ago when our district transformed our elementary schools into themed schools. Health, Wellness and Environmental Studies (HWES) goal was to create a garden to kitchen theme to promote a hands on approach to educating our students.
This blogging adventure is from the suggestion of a new friend, Jim Long. Our blog will be an on going learning process and project of our Gifted and Talented students in grades 3rd-6th. They will be posting our garden and kitchen news and pictures from our school. Join us as we take our journey through our school gardens ! Come grow with us !
YOU ARE ALL AWESOME and I am SO proud of what you're doing. Jim Long is the best.
Sending good wishes,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Sharon, You have been with us in the garden and you didn't even know it because we use Toad Cottages& Shooting Stars AND Roots, Shoots, Bucket and Boots in our lesson plans and activities with the kids ! Thank you for your work !
I told Jim that he was my "Clarence" in the movie classic "It's a Wonderful Life" !
...stopping by to visit on Jim's recommendation! As a former teacher and gardener, I'm thrilled to see what you're doing with your students! Hopefully there will be other schools who catch a vision for educating students about their eating like you are doing. I'll be following your blog with great enthusiasm!
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